In South Africa, Health Insurance is an Absolute Necessity
Why should you prioritise health insurance if you live in South Africa? Quite simply because the public healthcare system in this country doesn’t always guarantee you an adequate level of care in the event of illness or injury. There is huge pressure on the healthcare sector due to population density and scarcity of resources. According to analysts,
South Africa’s health system is on its knees and may not be sustainable into the near future.
The obvious answer is to assume a level of sensible responsibility for yourself and your loved ones – and a well-rounded health insurance plan helps you do just that.
3 Facts That Make Health Insurance a Must-Have
For anyone living in South Africa, there are several factors to consider when it comes to evaluating potential health risks. Perhaps one of the most significant is simply the fact that basic social infrastructure is stretched thin, and that this automatically increases the likelihood that you will need dedicated healthcare at some point. Here are 3 things to think about:
Illness and Injury are Facts of Life
Accidents happen. They happen even more frequently on roads where maintenance is lacking, or where traffic lights are out because of the ubiquitous load shedding that is a fact of life in South Africa. Then, there’s illness. Sickness or ill health – and not necessarily a dread illness – is something that strikes every family at some point, from a tummy bug that may require specialist care to a surgical procedure for something as commonplace as an injured knee.
Living healthily and safely is its own reward – but statistically, it’s almost impossible to avoid having to seek increasingly expensive healthcare, especially as you (or your parents) age.
The Medical Brain Drain is Real
South Africa is suffering from a dire shortage of skilled medical professionals. A recent report on the state of national healthcare highlights a dire ‘
brain drain warning’ as South African medical professionals quit or emigrate in record numbers.
What does this mean for you? Quite simply, that quality medical care is becoming more difficult to access, and that the cost of accessing it is continuously increasing.
The Long Shadow of Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic may be abating, but its effects will be felt for years and possibly decades to come. Along with South Africa’s high HIV / AIDS infection rate, it has placed enormous stress on healthcare resources ranging from hospital supplies to the availability of mental health professionals. And of course, there are no guarantees that the world might not be faced with new pandemics into the future, either.
For those who don’t already have good health insurance, it could ultimately mean lengthy waits, reduced access to critically important medication, and prohibitive costs.
The Terrible Cost of Not Having Health Insurance
For those who don’t have health insurance, the drawbacks can be both obvious and subtle. For example:
- Without health insurance, you might have to settle for a minimal standard of care that doesn’t necessarily provide everything you need.
- Without health insurance, people often put off going to see a doctor or specialist, simply because they can’t afford it. And for certain conditions, ‘putting it off’ can have disastrous consequences.
- Many diseases, like cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes, are more easily managed if they’re detected early. Early detection often hinges on early access to diagnosis.
- The cost of late diagnosis or delayed treatment can be enormous – and the financial drain and physical consequences tend to increase over time.
3 Key Benefits of Having Health Insurance
On the other hand, if you have health insurance, you’re in a far better position. Why? Quite simply because you’re in a position to access better quality healthcare, faster. In addition to all the other benefits, you also enjoy greater peace of mind, which is priceless.
1 . Greater Financial Stability
There’s nothing more demoralising and panic-inducing than having to hollow out your savings or sell a valuable asset to pay for an unexpected or disastrous health emergency. Having health insurance protects you against the unexpected while also helping preserve your financial stability.
2 . Protection Against the Costs of Chronic Disease
Possibly one of the most important considerations when it comes to long-term healthcare, the management of chronic disease can be incredibly costly if funded privately. Chronic disease most typically manifests in people over the age of 45, and can take the form of issues like heart disease, respiratory disease, chronic obesity, and other conditions that impact longer-term life quality. The on-going cost of treatment can be prohibitive, and without health insurance, might be virtually impossible to maintain.
3 . A Smarter Way to Cover Your Family
Health insurance isn’t just for you, of course. If you’re a parent, or if you’re looking after your parents, then the cost of healthcare multiplies dramatically. Having a comprehensive family health insurance package is a sensible way of ensuring that you’re adequately covered in the event of a healthcare crisis.
Now is The Right Time
With every year that passes, your risk profile tends to increase due to natural aging or environmental factors. That means if you don’t already have health insurance, you may reach a point where your application is rejected, or your benefits are restricted due to pre-existing conditions.
Needless to say, the right time to take out health insurance – or update and optimise your benefits if you already have – is NOW. The longer you wait, the more difficult it may become, and the more it will cost you.
Health insurance is more than just an option: it should be a priority.
How Much Does Health Insurance Cost?
When it comes to healthcare, one size doesn’t fit all, and there are options to suit different lifestyles, requirements, and budgets. By tailoring a health insurance plan to your specific needs, you can rest assured in the knowledge that you’re properly covered in the most cost-effective way.
Health insurance can be surprisingly affordable, and as your circumstances change or your family grows, your healthcare plan can be adjusted accordingly. To find out more about our range of
healthcare solutions, simply speak to any one of our friendly consultants who will be able to give you detailed information and a no-obligation quotation.
Our expertise and offering includes a number of medical aid schemes, health insurance plans, and short-term healthcare options. The difference lies in the insight and experience we’ve gained in navigating the healthcare industry on behalf of our satisfied clients over the course of many years.
At the Pogir Group, we’ve gained a well-earned reputation for providing the very best advice and step-by-step guidance to our clients when it comes to medical aid and health insurance. From individuals to corporate clients, we’re equipped to provide you with the very best range of options to suit your needs.
Looking for smart healthcare solutions? Let’s chat.
Contact us today and discover how we can assist you with your health insurance requirements – as well as short term insurance, life financial planning, and more.
Pogir. Smart, with heart.